
The Plant Pore / Pridgeon Group


About Our Research


The stresses a seedling faces are not always equal to that of a mature plant. With a smaller root system, nutrients from the seed, and less photosynthetic tissue, seedlings are often more vulnerable to adverse conditions such as drought. Stomata are microscopic pores that play a critical role in gas exchange (the flow of water vapour and carbon dioxide into and out of the leaf tissue).

Our research focuses on how seedlings regulate the aperture and density of their stomata in response to environmental signals.

We are kindly hosted by Prof Kerry Franklin and the Photobiology group at the University of Bristol. With funding from the Leverhulme Trust and The Bristol Centre for Agricultural Information (BCAI).



* 16/05/2023

We are very lucky to be hosting University of Dundee student Jennie Yang this summer. Jennie has been awarded a prestigous Gatsby summer studentship to conduct a research project with us here at Bristol.

* 12/05/2023

Mathilda Gustavsson of the Franklin Photobiology group passed her PhD viva today.



Ashley J. Pridgeon



Leverhulme Early Career Fellow


I'm a plant molecular physiologist excited to start independent research. Also, I have a keen interest in music.

Cosmo Cockerton



Masters by Research


I'm a Masters by Research Student, studying stomatal development. I'm also a qualified chef who loves cooking as well as playing Squash.

Jennie Yang



Gatsby Summer Student 2023


I am an undergraduate student from the University of Dundee, here at Bristol to take my first steps into the field of plant science. I am also a big foodie and love to cook.



ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5) and HY5 HOMOLOGUE (HYH) maintain shade avoidance suppression in UV-B

The Plant Journal 2023

Ashutosh Sharma, Ashley J. Pridgeon, Wei Liu, Francisca Segers, Bhavana Sharma, Gareth I. Jenkins, Keara A. Franklin

doi: 10.1111/tpj.16328

ABA signalling and metabolism are not essential for dark-induced stomatal closure but affect response speed

Scientific Reports 2021

Ashley J. Pridgeon & Alistair M. Hetherington

doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84911-5